You have reached the download page for Template Shortcutter, an app to be used in conjunction with Template Tooler.

Template Shortcutter provides the means to automatically replace a key phrase (a shortcut) with a previously saved, filled template.

This works by giving Template Shortcutter the ability to read which keys are being pressed, then upon recognizing a shortcut, deleting that shortcut and replacing it with the desired text.

"What? You're logging my keys?!" you say? Well yes, that's how any of these types of programs work. But I assure you the logging only happens within your computer, there is no key pressed data that is sent anywere outside your computer, and only the last 20 keys are logged (the max length allowed for a shortcut, as you are informed when making such shortcut in Template Tooler). If you desire, simply shut down the Template Shortcutter when you don't want the shortcut feature on. Quitting the Shortcutter app disables it's key monitoring.

Now that that is out of the way, click the link below to downlaod the Tempalte Shortcutter package.

Download Template Shortcutter